Tohoku Gakuin Univ. | 論文
- P3-36 Evaluation of Weldment by Photothermal Electrochemical (PE) Detection(Poster session 3)
- 3923 光熱電気化学法によるステンレス鋼の溶接熱影響部の映像化(G03-4 計測・測定技術,G03 材料力学)
- 3520 光音響法による楔状傾斜表面欠陥の非破壊検出(G03-14 非破壊技術,G03 材料力学)
- 光音響・熱映像法とその応用
- Effects of 2.45 GHz Electro-Magnetic Field on Mutation in the lacZ-Transgenic Mouse
- 1Pb-1 多波長LD/LEDによる光音響分光イメージングシステム(ポスターセッション)
- 1Pa-2 光音響顕微鏡による溶接欠陥の非破壊評価およびレプリカを用いた破壊検査(ポスターセッション)
- A Noncontact Thickness Measurement of Thin Samples Using 40 kHz Ultrasonic Wave
- A technique of measuring relative sound velocity changes using a frequency variable type ultrasonic correlation system
- Measurement of Ultrasonic Velocity in Liquid Using a Modified Ultrasonic Correlation System Under Low S/N Condition : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Velocity Measurement in Liquids by using Reflection Type Ultrasonic Correlator via Wave number Analysis in MHz Range : Physical Acoustics
- 1835 ステンレス鋼の人工孔食の光熱電気化学化学検出法による映像化(G03-5 ニューラルネットワーク・非破壊検査,G03 材料力学)
- 光音響顕微鏡による円筒形内部欠陥形状の測定(材料力学II-2)
- P2-C-8 Control of Acoustic Fields Using Acoustic Convex Lens
- P2-23 Beam Width Controllable Ultrasonic Transducer Array
- In vivo Measurement Method for Nonlinearity Parameters Using Single Ultrasonic Transducer (Short Note)
- P2-14 In vivo Measurement Method of Nonlinearity Parameter Using Single Ultrasonic Transducer
- Measurement and Analysis of Vibrations on Surface of Phantom Induced by Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripter
- Power Difference in Spectrum of Sound Radiation before and after Break of Phantom by Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotriptor
- 光熱電気化学検出法の基本的動作特性