The University of Hong Kong | 論文
- 13pTA-8 グアニン並びのエナンェティクス(高分子及び英語セッション, 領域 12)
- 29pZD-11 DNA 塩基におけるエナジェティクス
- 29pZD-9 DNA 電子移動における溶媒効果
- 1P516 Ab initio calculation of NMR chemical shifts of large molecules by FMO method(25. New methods and tools (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 28p-YE-8 ナノクリスタル半導体の光応答の理論的解析II
- ナノクリスタル半導体の光応答の理論的解析
- 25aTG-4 光化学系IIの構造の理論的解析(25aTG 光合成・光応答,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 2P290 Theoretical Study on IR Spectra of Photosystem II(The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- Direct Observation of Cation Radicals of a Diarylethene during Oxidative Ring-opening Reaction
- Self-Etching Primers and Adhesives ; Their Advantages and Disadvantages
- 経時対応データのロバスト解析 (経時データの解析)
- Preface(Environmental Consciousness in Southeast and East Asia: Comparative Studies of Public Perceptions of Environmental Problems in Hong Kong(China), Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam)
- Official Curriculum in Traditional Chinese Mathematics : How did Candidates Pass the Examinations?
- 29pWE-5 修飾されたDNA中のホール移動 : 輸送距離の増加に伴って速くなる輸送(タンパク質・核酸・生体膜)(領域12)
- Comparison of radiofrequency ablation and hepatic re-resection for intrahepatic recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma
- 18aYE-3 一電子簡約密度行列を用いた散逸理論
- 30aYT-2 Linear-Scaling計算法LDM法を用いた有限サイズカーボンナノチューブの光学応答と電子状態
- 24pP-6 Linear Scaling Localized-Density-Matrix Method and interchain excitation in PPV aggregates II
- 30p-XC-6 Linear Scaling Localized-Density-Matrix Method and interchain excitation in PPV aggtegates
- 27p-S-11 Linear Scaling Localized Density Matrix Method for Ground and Excited States