The Scripps Research Institute | 論文
- ldentification of A2-restricted hepateitis C Virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes from conserved regions of the viral genome
- 1 Autoantibody Responses Are Antigen-Driven: Relationship to Structural and/or Functional Alterations In Antigens.
- モレキュラープローブをつくるまで
- Pd(II)-catalyzed Cross-coupling of C(sp^2)-H Bonds and Alkyl-, Aryl-, and Vinyl-Boron Reagents via Pd(II)/Pd(0) Catalysis
- Modification of Peptides by Oxidative Metabolites Enhances Amyloidogenesis
- Plants as potential production and delivery systems for oral vaccines : (S-11)
- 2SA-05 The LOV/PAS-fold : what should we learn?(2SA Photobiophysics promoted by young scientists,The 49th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- 3Q1434 (6-4)光回復酵素における活性化と修復過程の分光解析(光生物_視覚・光受容4,第49回年会講演予稿集)
- Magnetic Source Imaging of Abnormal Low-Frequency Magnetic Activity in Presurgical Evaluations of Epilepsy
- 3Q1422 FTIR Study of Light-Dependent Activation and DNA Repair Processes of E. coli CPD Photolyase(Photobiology : Vision & Photoreception4,The 49th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- The Effect of Antiplatelet Autoantibodies on Megakaryocytopoiesis
- 2F1546 アニオンラジカル型の(6-4)光回復酵素によるDNA修復(光生物-視覚,光受容II,口頭発表,日本生物物理学会第50回年会(2012年度))
- 2F1534 Substrate-Dependent Measurement Revealed Different Protein Conformations on Photoactivation and DNA Repair of E. coli CPD Photolyase(Photobiology:Vision & Photoreception II,Oral Presentation,The 50th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Jap
- Intracellular Inactivation of the Hepatitis B Virus by Inflammatory Cytokines