The Population Council | 論文
- 106 ヒト精漿中Fc_γRIII関連抗原の分子構造に関する研究
- 381 ヒト精漿中CD16 (FcγRIII)関連抗原の生殖免疫学的研究
- 精細管におけるCell to Cell interaction : Preproenkephalin(PPenk)遺伝子の発現とその調節 : 第80回日本泌尿器科学会総会
- 521 Identification of two human sperm antigens involved in immunologic infertility.
- 478 Maternal immune response to paternal antigens in patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion.
- 461 Effects of saccharides on human fertilization.
- 228 Studies on mechanism of blocking effect of sperm immobilizing antibodies on fertilization.
- 308. Adoptive Immunotherapy with Lymphokine-activated Killer Cells for Peritonitis Carcinomatosa
- 113. Role of Monosaccharide Chains in the Human Zona Pellucida in Gamete Recognition
- 427. Studies on Biological Actions of Sperm Immobilizing Antibody on Human Fertilization in vitro
- 363. Significance of T Antigen-like Substance in Neoplastic Desease of Uterine Cervix and Endometrium
- 398. Inhibition of Sperm Penetration by Autoantibodies to the Human Zona Pellucida
- 118. Effects of Monoclonal Antibodies to Porcine Zona Pellucidae on Fertilization in vitro
- 92.Monoclonal Antibody Formation to Porcine Zona Pellucida and it's Cross-reactivity to Human Oocytes : XV Immunology and Infection
- 403.Presence of Heterophile Antigens in Human Ovarian Cancer : XXXXXXIX Ovarian Tumor(III)
- 331.A New Method for Detection of Autoantibodies against Zona Pellucida in Human Sera Using Passive Hemagglutination Reaction (PHAR) : XXXXXVI Sterility and Family Planning(III)
- 101.Tissue Specificity of Porcine Zona Pellucida Antigens in Pigs, Monkeys and Humans : XVII Immunology(II)
- 29. Heterophile Antigen and Antibody in Human Ovarian Cancer
- 277. Endocrine Monitoring on Follicular Maturation for Human IVF-ET
- 132. Detection and Quantitation of Antibodies against Human Lymphocytes in Sera of Pregnant Women by Radioactive Protein A Binding Assay