The Inst. of phys. and Chem. Res. | 論文
- Identification of a New Brassinosteroid, Cathasterone, in Cultured Cells of Catharanthus roseus as a Biosynthetic Precursor of Teasterone
- Possible Involvement of 3-Dehydroteasterone in the Conversion of Teasterone to Typhasterol in Cultured Cells of Catharanthus roseus
- Identification of Brassinosteroid-like Active Substances in Plant-cell Cultures
- Occurrence of Brassinolide and Castasterone in Crown Gall Cells of Catharanthus roseus(Biological Chemistry)
- Occurrence of Castasterone, Brassinolide and Methyl 4-Chloroindole-3-acetate in Immature Vicia faba Seeds(Organic Chemistry)
- Changes in Endogenous Gibberellin Contents during Growth of Cultued Tobacco Cells
- Gibberellin Production in Cultured Cells of Nicotiana tabacum
- Effects of Fluorogibberellins on Plant Growth and Gibberellin 3β-Hydroxylases
- Effects of Ethylene and Gibberellins on the Elongation of Rice Seedlings (Oryza sativa L.)
- Inhibition of ent-Kaurene Synthase by Quaternary Ammonium Growth Retardants
- Effects of 3-Methylgibberellin Analogs on Gibberellin 3β-Hydroxylases and Plant Growth
- Fluctuation of Endogenous Gibberellin and Abscisic Acid Levels in Germinating Seeds of Barley
- Specific Accumulation of Antifungal 5-Alk(en)ylresorchinol Homologs in Etiolated Rice Seedlings
- Structure of a New Antifungal C_-Hydroxyfatty Acid Isolated from Leaves of Wild Rice (Oryza officinalis)
- Toxic Activity of Mimics of the Host-Specific Pathotoxin PM-Toxin on Corn Carrying Texas Male-sterile Cytoplasm(Organic Chemistry)
- Detection of the IAA Biosynthetic Pathway from Tryptophan via Indole-3-Acetamide in Bradyrhizobium spp
- Endogenous Levels of Gibberellins, IAA and Cytokinins in Catharanthus Crown Gall Tissues of Different Tumor Types
- Morphological Observations and Qualitative and Quantitative Studies of Auxins after Induction of Tobacco Genetic Tumor
- Levels of IAA, Cytokinins ABA and Ethylene in Rice Plants as Affected by a Gibberellin Biosynthesis Inhibitor, Uniconazole-P.
- Endogenous Levels of Gibberellins, IAA and Cytokinins in Tobacco Crown Gall Tissues of Different Morphologies