The Chinese University Of Hong Kong | 論文
- Iterative Rounding and Relaxation (Combinatorial Optimization and Discrete Algorithms)
- S5-8 化学療法未治療のNSCLC患者を対象にしゲフィチニブとカルボプラチン/パクリタキセルを比較する第III相試験 : IPASS:IRESSA Pan ASia Study(進行肺癌の治療戦略と展望,第49回日本肺癌学会総会号)
- S1-6 Are Traditional Postpartum Rituals Useful in Preventing Postnatal Depression?(ISPOG2007)
- Transarterial Chemoembolisation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Remarks on the 1935 Paper of Yukawa
- 内集団知覚における弁別効果の比較文化的研究
- Mircroembolic Signal Monitoring in Acute Stroke Patients
- Asymmetric Hopfield-type Networks: Theory and Applications
- Mircroembolic Signal Monitoring in Acute Stroke Patients
- Why Japanese Anthropology is Ignored Beyond Japan
- Do Two Jet Events in e^+e^- Collision Observe KNO Scaling?
- Some Geometric Properties of Compact Complex Manifolds Uniformized by Bounded Domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$ (Geometric Theory of Several Complex Variables)