Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. | 論文
- Thermal Performance of the Plate Fin Type Reactor with Anodized Alumina Catalyst for Methanol Decomposition
- Intradiscal Pressure Response to Low-Frequency Cyclic Loading
- Research and Development of the 300kW class Ceramic Gas Turbine(Technology Prize,GTSJ Prize)
- Effect of Curvature on Fillet Formation during Aluminum Brazing(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Performance of Wire Springs as Extended Heat Transfer Surface for Compact Heat Exchangers
- Capacitive Type 3-Axis Accelerometer (「加速度センサ」特集号)
- Correlations between Thermal Conductivity and Inelastic Deformation of Aluminum Based Composites Containing VGCF-CNT Network