Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science | 論文
- 歯科治療におけるチタン
- 金属系バイオマテリアル (特集 バイオ関連材料と技術の最近の話題)
- Precipitation of Carbonitrides and Their Strengthening upon Non-quench Aging for Micro-alloyed Acicular Ferrite Pipeline Steels
- Difference in the Role of Non-quench Aging on Mechanical Properties between Acicular Ferrite and Ferrite-Pearlite Pipeline Steels
- Microstructural and Micro-textural Evolution during Single Pass High Z-large Strain Deformation of a 0.15C Steel
- Effect of Heat Treatment Atmosphere on Multistage R-Phase Transformation in an Aged Ti-51.0at%Ni Alloy
- Combination and Interface Structure of 9R Martensite Plate Variants in Ti_Pd_Fe_ Shape Memory Alloy
- Prediction on Nominal Stress-Strain Curve of Isotropic Polycrystal Ti-15-3-3-3 Sheet by FE Analysis
- 高リン低炭素鋼ストリップ鋳片圧延材の機械的性質
- Effect of Diffusion of {100}Parallel to the ND Plane on the Charpy Impact Properties in Low Carbon Steels
- In-situ Observation of γ/α Phase Transformation in Low Carbon Steel by Laser Microscopy
- 高リン低炭素鋼のストリップ鋳片の特徴
- Continuously Cast 0.1 mass pct. C Steele with High Phosphorus: Microstructural Design and Control
- Continuously Cast 0.1 mass pct. C Steels with High Phosphorus : Microstructural Design and Control
- Continuously Cast 0.1 mass pct. C Steels with High Phosphorus: Microstructural Design and Control
- Improved Strength - and - Toughness Balance of P - added Low Carbon Steel through Ultrarefinement of Ferrite Grain Size
- Strength and Toughness Balance of Ultrafine - Grained Low Carbon Steel
- A New Evaluation Method of Hydrogen Embrittlement Fracture for High Strength Steel by Local Approach
- Behaviour of Mn and Si in the Spray Powders during Steam Oxidation of Ni-Cr Thermal Spray Coatings
- Evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility for high strength steels with Local Approach by considering hydrogen distribution : Examination for estimation of delayed fracture properties-11