Steel Research Center National Institute For Materials Science | 論文
- Evolution of Fine Ferrite Structure in Continuously Cast 0.1mass%C steel with 100mm-thickness
- Prediction of Nominal Stress-Strain Curves of a Multi-Layered Composite Material by FE Analysis
- Change in Ultrasonic Parameters and Dislocation Structures during Fatigue Process of Aluminum Alloy under High Stress Amplitude
- Localized Corrosion Behavior of High Nitrogen-bearing Austenitic Stainless Steels in Seawater Environment
- Effect of Shear Strain on the Microstructural Evolution of a Low Carbon Steel during Warm Deformation
- Effect of Strain on Microstructural Evolution under Warm Deformation in an Ultra-Low Carbon Steel
- Characterization of Electroplated Platinum-Iridium Alloys on the Nickel-Base Single Crystal Superalloy
- Observation of High Resolution Microstructures in Thermal Sprayed Coatings and Single Deposited Splats Using Ion Beam Milling
- Evaluation of Grain Boundary Effect on Strength of Fe-C Low Alloy Martensitic Steels by Nanoindentation Technique
- OS6(2)-6(OS06W0420) Nanoindentation Technique as a Probe for Characteristic Deformation Size
- Effect of Contact Depth on Nanohardness Distribution in a SCM440 Tempered Martensitic Steel
- Enhancement of Impact Toughness of 0.05% P Doped High Strength Steel through Formation of an Ultrafine Elongated Grain Structure
- Effects of Silicon and Boron on Oxidation Behavior of Air Plasma Sprayed Fe-based alloy Coatings
- Gas Contamination due to Milling Atmospheres of Mechanical Alloying and Its Effect on Impact Strength
- In-Situ Densification of Ti Coatings by the Warm Spray (Two-Stage HVOF) Process
- Effect of Nitrogen on Crevice Corrosion and Repassivation Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steel
- Chromium Nitride Precipitation Behavior in Weld Heat-affected Zone of High Nitrogen Stainless Steel
- Development of New Ti-Fe-Ta and Ti-Fe-Ta-Zr System Alloys for Biomedical Applications
- Luders Deformation in Submicron-grained Ferrite steels
- True Stress-True Strain Relations with Very Low Strain Rates at Room Temperature for an Austenitic 25Cr-19Ni Steel