Showa Coll. Pharmaceutical Sci. Tokyo Jpn | 論文
- Chemotaxonomy of Ferns : Triterpenoids and rbcL gene Sequences of Polypodium, Polypodiodes and Goniophlebium
- Fern Constituents : Triterpenoids of Polypodiodes amoena
- Fern Constituents : Triterpenoids Isolated from the Leaves of Adiantum monochlamys. Filicenol A, Filicenol B, Isoadiantol B, Hakonanediol and Epihakonanediol
- Fern Constituents : Triterpenoids Isolated from the Leaves of Adiantum pedatum. 23-Hydroxyfernene, Glaucanol A and Filicenoic Acid