Shizuoka Univ. Hamamatsu Jpn | 論文
- ニホンカモシカの膣,膣前庭および外陰部の形態学的研究
- ニホンカモシカにおける頬骨腺の存在
- ニホンカモシカ胸腺の形態学的研究
- ニホンカモシカ眼窩下洞腺の生後分化と組織学的構造
- 野生ニホンカモシカにおけるオンコセルカ症の発生状況と病理所見
- ニホンカモシカの肺にみられたGlobule Leucocyteの形態
- 野生ニホンカモシカの自然繁殖と胎仔の発育
- 野生ニホンカモシカ肺虫症の病理学的研究
- 腹圧測定による呼吸同期陽子線照射の照準精度
- Temperature Variation of Lattice Strain in Slightly Mismatched InGaP/GaAs LPE Layers (0
- Raman Spectral Behavior of In_Ga_xP (0
- Strain-Induced Shift of Optical Phonon Frequency in InGaP Layers Grown on GaAs Substrates
- Strain-Energy-Stabilized Growth of InGaAsP Layers on GaAs (111)A Substrates in Immiscible Region
- Narrow Photoluminescence Spectra in InGaAsP/GaAs (001) LPE Layers Grown in the Immiscible Region
- Photoluminescence of InGaP/GaAs (111) LPE Layers with Elastic Strain due to Lattice Mismatch
- Raman Study of Misfit Strain and Its Relaxation in ZnSe Layers Grown on GaAs Substrates
- Influence of Phosphorus Evaporation from Melt on InGaP/GaAs LPE Growth
- LPE Growth of In_Ga_xAs_P_y with Narrow Photoluminescence Spectrum on GaAs (111)B Substrates
- Photoluminescence Processes of Zn-Doped In_Ga_xP with 0.6
- Electrical Properties of Zn-Doped In_Ga_xP