Shizuoka Prefectural Institute Of Public Health And Environmental Science | 論文
- いわゆる健康酢中の遊離アミノ酸, 糖および有機酸の定量
- イワシ中の脂肪酸, とくにエイコサペンタエン酸およびドコサヘキサエン酸含量に及ぼす調理の影響
- BMO and PPST Approaches to Meson States in Broken SU_4 Symmetry
- Supermetacolor
- Color Singlet Composite Superfields Containing Massless Composite Fermions Obtained by the 't Hooft Equation : Supermetacolor. II : Nuclear Physics
- Mass Hierarchies of Quarks and Leptons in a Supersymmetric Sp(2N) Subcolor Theory : Particles and Fields
- What is the Role of Torsion in the Universe?
- Application of Secondary Ionization Mass Spectrometry-Linked Scanning Analysis to an Identification Test for Ginseng in Chinese Herbal Preparations
- Inhibition by Aloenin and Barbaloin of Histamine Release from Rat Peritoneal Mast Cells
- Occurrence of Tetrodotoxin in a Starfish, Astropecten scoparius