Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture | 論文
- シロップ廃液のバイオガス化およびコジェネレーションシステムの開発
- P-403 メタン発酵と燃料電池による生ごみからのエネルギー回収システムの開発(ポスター発表)
- P407 バイオガスと天然ガスを併用した燃料電池発電システムの開発(ポスター発表)
- Effect of Back-Etching on Residual Stress in Lead Titanate Thin Films on Si Wafer
- Preparation and Electrochromic Properties of RF-Sputtered NiO_x Films Prepared in Ar / 0_2 / H_2 Atmosphere
- Age-related Changes of Reaction Time and p300 for Low-contrast Color Stimuli : Effects of Yellowing of the Aging Human Lens
- SII-1 Comparison of P300 to Color Stimuli between Elderly and Young Adults with and without Filters Simulating an Aged Human Lens (Proceedings of the 49th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Continuous Production of β-Galactosidase in Repeated Batch Culture of Penicillium multicolor with a Membrane Bioreactor
- 試作エアーブーツの静脈鬱血改善作用の検討
- 試作褥瘡予防マットの体圧分散効果と快適性に関する検討
- Changes of Muscular Load with Aging in the Motion of Pulling up Disposable Diapers
- 1-7 The Evaluation of Muscular Stress of Continuous Motion : Case Study of the Motion when Elderly and Young Adult Put on Underwear(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effect of TiO_2 Photocatalyst on Odorous Gases Using Glass Fiber Filter for Repeatable Use
- PC2-2 Deodorizing Effects of Fragrance Ingredients against Excretory Odors : Physiological and Subjective Evaluation(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effects of contact with wood on blood pressure and subjective evaluation
- Influence of wood wall panels on physiological and psychological responses
- Apoptosis-inducing Activity of a Driselase Digest Fraction of Green Tea Residue
- メタン発酵によるエネルギー回収
- バイオガス由来改質ガス利用へ向けたPEMFCの発電性能に与える水素ガス中の二酸化炭素の影響