Shimane Univ. Matsue Jpn | 論文
- Concentrations of Arsenic in Brackish Lake Water : Application of Tristimulus Colorimetric Determination
- 環境水中微量化学種の捕集濃縮のための現場固相抽出法の設計とその水環境におけるスペシエーションへの展開
- The Liquid-Liquid Extraction Using Hydrophilic Solvents Occluded to an Oil-Adsorbent as an Organic Phase : Extraction of 8-Quinolinolato Complexes of Alkaline Earth Metals into Tetrahydrofuran
- 汽水湖尾駮沼における植物プランクトンの出現特性
- Basic limnological study in an alpine Lake Puma Yumco, the pre-Himalayas, China
- A Simple in situ Visual and Tristimulus Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Trace Arsenic in Environmental Water after Its Collection on a Mercury (II)-Impregnated Paper
- A Simple and Sensitive Method for the Determination of Hydroxylamine in Fresh-Water Samples Using Hypochlorite Followed by Gas Chromatography
- 固相抽出法による環境水中のヒ素(III)及びヒ素(V)の簡便な現場同時捕集濃縮/定量
- First investigation of ultraoligotrophic alpine Lake Puma Yumco in the pre-Himalayas, China
- 固相抽出法による環境水中ヒドロキシルアミンの前処理及び前濃縮/吸光光度定量法
- 降水中微量フッ化物イオンの直接光度定量法
- A Simple and Rapid in situ Preconcentration Method Using Solid-Phase Extraction for the Determination of Dissolved Manganese in Brackish Lake Water Samples
- Nitrous oxide in brackish Lakes Shinji and Nakaumi, Japan
- A pretreatment method for the determination of nitrate in brackish water and seawater based on the hydrazinium reduction technique
- Urea decomposing activity of fractionated brackish phytoplankton in Lake Nakaumi
- Solid Extraction Method using the Coagulation of Polymer-Poly(N-iso-propylacrylamide-co-4-vinylpyridine)as a Solid Adsorbent
- In situ Preconcentration Method for Trace Dissolved Sulfide in Environmental Water Samples Using Solid-Phase Extraction Followed by Spectrophotometric Determination
- Solvent Extraction of Transition Metals by an in situ Extractant Formation Method. Utilization of an Easily-Solidifying Solvent
- A Simple in situ Preconcentration Method for Phosphate Phosphorus in Environmental Waters by Column Solid Phase Extraction Using Activated Carbon Loaded with Zirconium
- In situ Preconcentration Method for Iron(II) in Environmental Water Samples Using Solid Phase Extraction Followed by Spectrophotometric Determination