Seoul national University | 論文
- Disacousmatic radio experience : with a focus on KBS Kong, internet radio player
- Impulse Generation Mechanisms in a Laser-Driven In-Tube Accelerator
- A Backward Congestion Notification Scheme for Mixed ECN-Capable and ECN-Incapable TCP Flows(Network)
- Nd-123超伝導体の静磁場中での交流帯磁率測定
- 8p-F-9 ゲルマニウム検出器を用いた^7_ΛLiのγ線核分光
- 29a-R-9 Measurement of lifetimes of Λ-Hypernuclei II
- 29a-R-8 Measurement of lifetimes of Λ-Hypernuclei I
- 29a-YH-3 (π^+, K^+)反応を用いた^_ΛYの核構造の研究III
- パラメータ変動にロバストなIPMモータの最大トルク制御法
- Successful Management of Intractable Coronary Spasm With a Coronary Stent
- Incorporating Technology in the College English Curriculum : Using International Video Conferencing and Skype Chat(College English Curriculum Innovation in the 'New' Age of International Exchange)
- トップシード溶融法で作製したY-Ba-Cu-O結晶の磁気特性
- Properties of UIR Bands in NGC 6946 Based on Mid-Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy with Infrared Camera on Board AKARI
- The Infrared Astronomical Mission AKARI
- 垂直加熱・冷却壁による水-固体微粒子懸濁液の自然対流 : 初期粒子濃度勾配の影響(熱工学, 内燃機関, 動力など)
- Far-Infrared Distributions in Nearby Spiral Galaxies NGC 2841 and NGC 2976 Observed with AKARI/Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS)
- AKARI Detection of the Infrared-Bright Supernova Remnant B0104-72.3 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
- Future Semiconductor Technology & System IC 2010
- Future Semiconductor Technology & System IC 2010
- Future Semiconductor Technology & System IC 2010