Semiconductor Research Center Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. | 論文
- Surface-Emitting Laser with a Common-Anode Configuration for Application to the Photonic Parallel Memory
- High-Power 650-nm-Band AlGaInP Visible Laser Diodes Fabricated by Reactive Ion Beam Etching Using Cl_2/N_2 Mixture
- Reduction of Aspect Ratio in 650 nm-Band Self-Sustained-Pulsing Lasers with Saturable-Absorbing Layer
- Extremely Low Astigmatism and Aspect Ratio in 650nm-Band Self-Pulsing AlGaInP Lasers with Strained-Quantum-Well Saturable-Absorbing Layer
- 650nm-Band High Power AlGaInP Visible Laser Diodes Fabricated by Reactive Ion Beam Etching Using Cl_2/N_2 Mixture
- Strain Effect on 630 nm GaInP/AlGaInP Multi-Quantum Well Lasers