Second Department of Surgery, Fukuoka University School of Medicine | 論文
- The Induction of Cytotoxicity by a Bispecific Antibody Against CEA Positive Cell Line, In Vitro
- Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Esophagomyotomy for Achalasia after Pulmonary Lobectomy
- The Role of Cigarette Smoking in the Development of Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma : Concurrent Evaluation of Histological Grade and Prognosis of Each Histological Grade for Tumors Measuring Less than 20mm in Diameter
- Liver Transplantation in Rigshospitalet, Denmark : Our experience of 37 cases
- An Immunohistochemical Examination of Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus : Report of a Case
- Evaluation of the Malignant Grade of Thymic Epithelial Tumors According to the Epithelial Subclassification
- Micrometastasis and Expression of nm23 Messenger RNA of Lymph Nodes from Lung Cancer and the Postoperative Clinical Outcome
- Effects of Glucose on Rat Lung Preservation : Report of a Study Conducted on an Isolated Lung Reperfusion Model Utilizing Another Isolated Lung as a "Deoxygenator"
- Synchronous Multicentric Thymona : Report of a Case
- Thoracoscopic Right Upper Mediastinal Dissection for Left Lung Cancer
- Extended Operation for T4 Lung Carcinoma
- Y-Shaped Tracheobronchial Stent for Carinal and Distal Tracheal Stenosis
- A Lung Metastasis from Giant Cell Tumor of Bone at Eight Years After Primary Resection
- Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Results in Pulmonary Emphysema : Changes in Pulmonary Function
- Carinal Resection and Reconstruction for Recurrent Lung Cancer
- Successful Resection of an Infected Duodenal Duplication Cyst After Percutaneous Cyst Drainage : Report of a Case
- Genetic Polymorphisms of XRCC1, Alcohol Consumption, and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Japan