Second Department Of Internal Medicine Akita City Hospitall | 論文
- Errors in Measuring Blood Flow Velocity behind Hepatic Mass Lesions Using Color Doppler Sonography
- Post-tumoral Distorted Vascular Images : Diagnostic Problem of Sonogram
- Laparoscopic Findings in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
- Asymptomatic emphysematous cholecystitis
- Portal gas in a patient with alcoholic liver cirrhosis
- Portal gas in a patient with acute obstructive cholangitis : report of a case with emphasis on US findings
- A case of pelvic kidney : contrast-enhanced ultrasonographic findings
- Color Doppler determination of gastric content in a patient with gastric carcinoma accompanied by pyloric stenosis
- Spontaneous ruptured hepatic malignant fibrous histiocytoma
- Isolated gastric varices due to pancreatic cancer
- Peritoneal loose body
- Portal-systemic shunt through the right renal vein developing following portal tumor thrombus
- Inflammatory pseudotumor of the spleen : report of a case with emphasis on contrast-enhanced ultrasound findings
- Isolated liver metastasis from a renal cell carcinoma 12 years after nephrectomy : report of a case and literature review
- Marked change in Doppler waveform : report of two cases of subcutaneous hematoma
- Hepatic cyst with intracystic bleeding : contrast-enhanced sonographic findings
- Analysis of posterior echoes using reconstructed vertical ultrasound images
- When the gallbladder is not detected in the usual location
- Analysis of refractive artifacts by reconstructed three-dimensional ultrasound imaging
- A Christmas-tree-like mass in the urinary bladder