School of Physics, Seoul National University | 論文
- Experiments with a Forward Gamma Detector at SPring-8/LEPS(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 第35回国際物理オリンピック : International Physics Olympiad 2004 in Korea
- Observation of Modulated Lasing Spectra from a Very Thin Dielectric-Coated Circular Microcavity
- Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing in a Gain-Coated Square Microcavity with Round Corners
- Self-Induced Transparency in Samarium Atomic Vapor under Condition of High Temperature and High Density
- A-紫外線の照射はボンハン内顆粒の運動を高める
- Fixed-Point Analysis of the Low-Energy Constants in the Pion-Nucleon Chiral Lagrangian(Nuclear Physics)
- Squeezing Enhancement by Damping in a Driven Atom-Cavity System
- Regular Spectra and Universal Directionality of Emitted Radiation from a Quadrupolar Deformed Microcavity(General)
- What Determines the Direction of Far-Field Emission in Chaotic Microcavities?(Quantum Mechanics and Chaos)
- Calibration of Non Linear Properties of Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 Cantilever Using Integrated Piezoresistive Sensor for High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
- Microchip-Type InGaN Vertical External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
- Ring Dark Solitary Waves on a Gaussian Background Beam
- Relativistic Focus Condition for E-Beam Projection Lithography
- Simplified Approach to the Nonlinear Analysis in Helix Slow-Wave-Structure for a Traveling Wave Tube
- Electromagnetic Wave Propagation through an Azimuthally Asymmetric Helix Slow Wave Structure
- Spontaneous Ultraweak Photon Emission during the Growth of the Cell Population of Cultured HeLa Cell Line
- Mode-Stabilized Operation in a Microlens-Integrated 980nm Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
- Analysis of Axis-Encircling Electron Beam Using a Single-Cusp Magnetic Field
- Multiphoton Spectroscopy of a Driven Jaynes-Cummings System : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.