School of Informatics, Kyoto University | 論文
- Query-Number Preserving Reductions and Linear Lower Bounds for Testing
- Modeling and automatic detection of English sentence stress for computer-assisted English prosody learning system
- Average/Worst-Case Gap of Quantum Query Complexities
- Recent Developments in Mesh Routing Algorithms(Special Issue on Algorithm Engineering : Surveys)
- Solving SAT Efficiently with Promises (Special Issue on Selected Papers from LA Symposium)
- Query-Number Preserving Reductions and Linear Lower Bounds for Testing
- The Axis-bound CNN Problem(Algorithms and Data Structures)
- DS-1-2 Packing Squares with Profits into a Rectangle
- Approximated Vertex Cover for Graphs with Perfect Matchings(Invited Papers from New Horizons in Computing)
- DS-1-11 Reconstructing Strings from Substrings with Quantum Query
- Language Model Adaptation Based on PLSA of Topics and Speakers for Automatic Transcription of Panel Discussions(Spoken Language Systems, Corpus-Based Speech Technologies)
- An almost optimal algorithm for Winkler's sorting pairs in bins (コンピュテーシヨン)
- A planted solution model for the MAX-2SAT problem (情報物理学の数学的構造--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Comparison of Discriminative Models for Lexicon Optimization for ASR of Agglutinative Language
- Difference of acoustic modeling for read speech and dialogue speech
- Reconstructing Strings from Substrings with Quantum Queries
- Classifier-based Data Selection for Lightly-Supervised Training of Acoustic Model for Lecture Transcription
- Identification of Oxide Phases in Oxide Dispersion Strengthened PM2000 Steel