School of Fundamental Science and Engineering Waseda university | 論文
- 鍵配送センターの秘密情報の漏洩を考慮した情報量的に安全な鍵事前配布方式の一検討 (情報セキュリティ・情報通信基礎サブソサイエティ合同研究会)
- 鍵配送センターの秘密情報の漏洩を考慮した情報量的に安全な鍵事前配布方式の一検討 (情報理論・情報通信基礎サブソサイエティ合同研究会)
- 統計的決定理論に基づくストリーム暗号に対する鍵推定攻撃法に関する一考察(一般:情報通信基礎サブソサイエティ合同研究会)
- 統計的決定理論に基づくストリーム暗号に対する鍵推定攻撃法に関する一考察(一般:情報通信基礎サブソサイエティ合同研究会)
- A Two-Level Cache Design Space Exploration System for Embedded Applications
- An L1 Cache Design Space Exploration System for Embedded Applications
- Very-Low-Current and High-Speed Switching Operation of InAlGaAs/InAlAs/InP Mach-Zehnder Interferometer-Type Photonic Switch
- A Built-in Reseeding Technique for LFSR-Based Test Pattern Generation(Timing Verification and Test Generation)(VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Mass Transfer around a Cold Cylinder with Condensation of Vapor (1st Report) : Mass Flux Decrease Due to Condensation of Vapor at Surface Temperatures from 200 to 250K
- A Selective Scan Chain Reconfiguration through Run-Length Coding for Test Data Compression and Scan Power Reduction(Test)(VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- A Hybrid Dictionary Test Data Compression for Multiscan-Based Designs(Test)(VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Large Area InP Submicron TWO-Dimensional (2D) Periodic Structures Fabricated by TWO-Time Laser Holography
- An Experimental Study on Relative Displacement Sensing Using Phototransistor Array for Building Structures
- A Scan-Based Attack Based on Discriminators for AES Cryptosystems
- X-Handling for Current X-Tolerant Compactors with More Unknowns and Maximal Compaction
- Unified Dual-Radix Architecture for Scalable Montgomery Multiplications in GF(P) and GF(2^n)
- A Unified Test Compression Technique for Scan Stimulus and Unknown Masking Data with No Test Loss
- A Secure Test Technique for Pipelined Advanced Encryption Standard
- Long-Period-Grating-Loaded Semiconductor Separate-Confinement Heterostructure Waveguide for Polarization-Independent Gain-Equalizing Device