School of Computer science and Engineering, Seoul National University | 論文
- DAC : A Device-Aware Cache Management Algorithm for Heterogeneous Mobile Storage Systems
- Fast Computation of Rank and Select Functions for Succinct Representation
- Adopting the Drowsy Technique for Instruction Caches : A Soft Error Perspective
- Efficient Identification of Bad Signatures in RSA-Type Batch Signature(Digital Signature, Cryptography and Information Security)
- Tracking Lung Boundary in Chest CT Images using Scan Line Search
- The Visualization of the Lung Perfusion on Chest CT Images
- Optimal center point of lung motion with full inspiration and expiration CT data using non-linear optimization method
- Exploiting Metadata of Absent Objects for Proxy Cache Consistency
- Ensuring Latest-Bound Currency of Read-Only Transactions in Mobile Broadcasting Environments
- Dynamic Reconfiguration of Cache Indexing in Embedded Processors(VLSI Systems)
- Finish Time Predictability of Earliest Deadline Zero Laxity Algorithm for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems(System Programs)
- Comparison of Deadline-Based Scheduling Algorithms for Periodic Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessor(System Programs)
- An Efficient Mobile Code Authentication Scheme that Permits Overlapping of Execution and Downloading(Networks)
- A New Conjugated Polymer Chemosensor Functionalised with 2, 6-Bis(1, 3, 4-oxadiazole-2-yl)pyridine for Metal Ion Recognition
- Cost Analysis of Optimistic Recovery Model for Forked Checkpointing(Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and technologies)
- A Real-Time Perspective Volume Rendering using the GPU Multi-pass Acceleration Technique : Application to Virtual Colonoscopy
- A Fast Automatic Path Planning using the Energy Map and Path Tree Propagation for Virtual Colonoscopy
- Cost Sensitive Space Management in Shared Web Caches
- Interactive Segmentation and Visualization of the Lung using Graphics Hardware-based Level Set Method
- Practical Issues Related to Disk Scheduling for Video-On-Demand Services(Multimedia Systems for Communications)