School Of Engineering The University Of Shiga Prefecture | 論文
- サスティナブル生産システムを指向したIT応用グリーン金型の開発(資源循環型の竹繊維自己接着製品への適用)
- タクシーの搬送特性を応用した自律型AGVシステム(複積載AGV適用の効果)
- 1420 多層プリント基板におけるマイクロドリル加工穴品質評価(GS-13 生産加工・生産システム(3))
- 317 データマイニングを用いた多層プリント基板マイクロドリル加工穴品質の要因分析(加工, 複合材料の成形・加工最前線)
- 320 赤外線サーモグラフィを用いたプリント基板のCuダイレクトレーザ加工性の評価(OS13 レーザ応用加工)
- Study of Honing with a Machining Center (1st Report) -Development of a Honing Unit-
- 1419 切削RPを用いたCAMシステムの提案 : 加工情報を用いた切削力の一定化(GS-13 生産加工・生産システム(2))
- D25 Sustainable Manufacturing System Focusing on the Natural Growth of Bamboo(Life cycle engineering and environmentally conscious manufacturing)
- B6 Investigation of Finished Surface Machined by Ball Nose End-milling under Constant Contact Angle with a Five-axis Controlled Machining Center(Advanced machine tool)
- B2 Estimation of Environmental Impact on Desktop-Size Multifunctional Machine Tools by LCA(Advanced machine tool)
- Shape Control of Fibers End-milled from Bamboo with a Machining Center(Advances in non-traditional machining)
- Development of Multi-functional Mini Machine Tool Integrated Heat Treatment Processes(Advanced machine tool)
- An Estimation of Cylindrical Surface Obtained by Ball End-milling Using Makyoh-topography Images(Digital design and digital manufacturing)
- A309 Thermal Decomposition of Waste Glycerol(Fuel)
- Data-Mining of Factors Affecting Circuit Connection Reliability on Laser-Drilled Micro Blind via Holes in Multi-Layer PWBs
- Method for Cleaning Laser-Drilled Holes on Printed Wiring Boards by Plasma Treatment(Advanced Manufacturing Technology)
- データマイニングによるエンドミル切削条件の決定法 : 工具カタログデータの非階層・階層クラスタリングの併用効果
- Influence of Plating Conditions on Cutting Performance of cBN Coated Cemented Carbide End-Mill(Advanced Manufacturing Technology (II))
- Influence of Plating Conditions on Cutting Performance of cBN Coated Cemented Carbide End-mill(Advanced machining technology (continued))
- Georgia Tech 留学記