Saitama University | 論文
- 1506 細気管支モデル内の振動気流計測(2)(OS15-2 生体流体解析とその応用,OS15 生体流体解析とその応用,オーガナイズドセッション)
- 1506 細気管支モデル内の振動気流計測(1)(OS15-2 生体流体解析とその応用,OS15 生体流体解析とその応用,オーガナイズドセッション)
- Restoration and Conservation of Industrial Facilities as Cultural Properties : Retirement and Designation of Revived A-Bomb Tram as Museum Piece
- Production rate of the second KK gauge boson in a framework of minimal universal extra dimension model at the LHC(16th YKIS Conference Progress in Particle Physics 2008)
- Improvement in Durability of Red Phosphor Encapsulated by Sol-Gel Glass for Use in White Light-Emitting Diodes
- Laboratory Experiments on Bacterial Weathering of Granite and Its Constituent Minerals(Oral Session,Abstracts of the Taiwan and Japan Joint Symposium: "Geomorphological Hazards and Management" held on 17-18 March, 2008, at Taipei)
- Stresses in a Semi-infinite Elastic Body Containing a Prolate Spheroidal Cavity Subjected to an Axisymmetric Pressure
- Stress Concentration around a Prolate Spheroidal Cavity in a Semi-infinite Elastic Body Under All -round Tension
- On the Asymmetric Problem of Elasticity Theory for an Infinite Elastic Solid Containing Two Spherical Inclusions
- On the Asymmetric Problem of Elasticity Theory for an Infinite Elastic Solid Containing Some Spherical Cavities : 2nd Report.. An Infinite Solid Containing Three Spherical Cavities
- On the Asymmetric Problem of Elasticity Theory for an Infinite Elastic Solid Containing Some Spherical Cavities : 1st Report-An Infinite Solid Containing Two Spherical Cavities
- Stresses in a Thick Plate Containing an Eccentric Spherical Cavity Under Uniaxial Tension
- Surface Composition and Electrochemical Properties of High-Dose Carbon-Implanted Iron
- Turbulent Shear Flow in Hydrostatic Thrust Bearings
- Inertia Effects in the Turbulent Shear Flow of the Lubricant Film
- FMIT Concept
- Effects of rock properties on weathering of Oya-tuff(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
- Domestic Comparison of Relative Spectral Responsivity Measurements for Illuminance Meters
- Study on Cavity Type Thermal Radiation Detector (1) : Consideration on Effective Absorption of Conical Cavity Detector (The Abstracts of the Papers Published in J.Illum. Engng. Inst. Jpn. Vol. 82, 1998 No. 2)
- Development of a Photometer Having Variable Spectral Responsivity