SORTEC Corporation | 論文
- Threshold Current Density in ZnS/MgBeZnS Quantum Well Ultraviolet Lasers
- Development of White Light Emitting Diodes by Multi-layered Red, Green, and Bule Phosphors Excited by Near-ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes
- Near-ultraviolet LED of the External Quantum Efficiency Over 45% and its Application to High-color Rendering Phosphor Conversion White LEDs
- Proton Transfer to Melamine Crosslinkers in X-Ray Chemically Amplified Negative Resists Studied by Time-Resolved and Steady-State Optical Absorption Measurement
- Theoretical Calculation of Photoabsorption of Various Polymers in an Extreme Ultraviolet Region
- Theoretical Estimation of Absorption Coefficients of Various Polymers at 13 nm
- Optical Observation of Heterophase and Domain Structures in Relaxor Ferroelectrics Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3/9% PbTiO_3
- Diffuse Optical Tomography using Time-resolved Photon Path Distribution
- Calculation of Photon Path Distribution Based on Photon Behavior Analysis in a Scattering Medium
- Average Value Method:A New Approach to Practical Optical Computed Tomography for a Turbid Medium Such as Human Tissue
- High-Density Recording Characteristics of a 90 mm Phase-Change Optical Disk
- Transient Species Induced in X-ray Chemically Amplified Positive Resists:Post-Exposure Delay Effect
- Electroplated Reflection Masks for Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Resist Performance in 5 nm Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Reduction Imaging at 4.5 nm with Schwarzschild Optics
- Fabrication of 0.1μm Line-and-Space Patterns using Soft X-Ray Reduction Lithography
- Sub-0.1 μm Resist Patterning in Soft X-Ray (13 nm) Projection Lithography
- Alternative Interpretation of Impulse Response of Phonon-Polaritons
- Excitation of Phonon-Polaritons with Asymmetric Transient Grating
- Control of Emission Wavelength of GaInN Single Quantum Well, Light Emitting Diodes Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition in a Split-Flow Reactor