SIEMENS AG, Corporate Research and Development | 論文
- Tunable Twin-Guide Laser with Integrated Waveguide
- Integratable Tunable Twin-Guide Laser on Semi-Insulating Substrate
- Leakage Current Reduction in Buried Heterostructure Tunable Twin-Guide Laser Diodes
- Hot-Carrier Degradation Effects Relevant in Real Operation of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors
- Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Metalorganic-Vapor-Phase-Epitaxy-Grown 1585 nm InGaAs/InGaAlAs Separate Confinement Heterostructure Multiple-Quantum-Well Metal-Clad Ridge-Waveguide Lasers
- The Gate-Bias Dependency of Breakdown Location in GaAs Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MESFETs)
- Hot Carrier Relief of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor by Using Work-Function Engineering
- High Performance 1.55 μm Quantum-Well Metal-Clad Ridge-Waveguide Distributed Feedback Lasers
- Advanced 1.55 μm Quantum-Well GaInAlAs Laser Diodes with Enhanced Performance
- Analytical Model for Circuit Simulation with Quarter Micron Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors : Subthreshold Characteristics
- Two Strategies to Avoid Overfitting in Feedforward Networks
- Dual-Workfunction Gate Engineering in a Corner Parasitics-Free Shallow-Trench-Isolation Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Technology
- Compensating Piezoelectric Effect of Gate Metal and Dielectric Overlayer Stresses on GaAs MESFETs
- 固体電解質型燃料電池用スクリーン印刷カソードにおける微細構造と電気的特性との関係
- Narrow-Linewidth InGaAsP/InP Metal-Clad Ridge-Waveguide Distributed Feedback Lasers
- Linear Redundancy Reduction Learning
- High Performance Resists Tailored for 248 nm Chemical Amplification of Resists Lines Technology : Resist and Processes