Riken Bioresource Center | 論文
- 実験動物科学における野生マウスの利用 野生由来マウス系統を用いた行動遺伝学の新展開
- ゲノム時代の実験動物
- 歴史を背負ったアジアのネズミ達
- Arabidopsis RPT2α Encoding the 26S Proteasome Subunit is Required for Various Aspects of Root Meristem Maintenance, and Regulates Gametogenesis Redundantly with its Homolog, RPT2b
- Gene coding for SigA-binding protein from Arabidopsis appears to be transcriptionally up-regulated by salicylic acid and NPR1-dependent mechanisms
- Geographic variation of Mus caroli from East and Southeast ASIA based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
- Antagonistic Plant Defense System Regulated by Phytohormones Assists Interactions Among Vector Insect, Thrips and a Tospovirus
- Optimization of a Protocol for Cryopreservation of Mouse Spermatozoa Using Cryotubes
- ゲノムに映したネズミの歴史 : 分子生物学的アプローチによる小型哺乳類の生物地理・遺伝的分化に関する研究
- Contribution of the RIKEN BRC to the International Mouse Strain Resource
- Clone identification in Japanese flowering cherry (Prunus subgenus Cerasus) cultivars using nuclear SSR markers
- 生命科学と情報科学の出会い--遺伝学研究連絡委員会と遺伝資源研究連絡委員会の共同シンポジウムを中心に
- RNAi-mediated Knockdown of Xist Does Not Rescue the Impaired Development of Female Cloned Mouse Embryos
- Improvement of Cumulus-free Oocyte Maturation In Vitro and Its Application to Microinsemination with Primary Spermatocytes in Mice
- Novel ROSA26 Cre-reporter Knock-in C57BL/6N Mice Exhibiting Green Emission before and Red Emission after Cre-mediated Recombination
- Examination of the Mouse Embryo by Micro-CT
- 4-3-18 Genome wide association study for salt tolerance in Arabiospsis
- RNAi-mediated Knockdown of Xist Does Not Rescue the Impaired Development of Female Cloned Mouse Embryos
- Single-Step Generation of Rabbits Carrying a Targeted Allele of the Tyrosinase Gene Using CRISPR/Cas9