Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics | 論文
- 特殊情報処理を用いた超音波映像系
- Optimum Ultrasonic Imagine System Using ARMA Processing : Medical Ultrasonics
- 3-D Display System Using a Computer Generated Integral Photograph
- Distorted Image in Ultrasonic Tomogram Caused by Refraction with Cylinder : Ultrasonic Imaging and Microscopy
- 微粒子セルを用いた超音波位相共役波の発生とその応用
- 位相共役波の発生と応用
- Frequency Stabilization of AlGaAs Semiconductor Lasers with External Grating Feedback
- Frequency Stabilization of AlGaAs Semiconductor Laser Based on the ^Rb-D_2 Line
- 音速の応力への非直線的依存性の金属内部弾性限界推定への応用
- Frequency-Translated Holography for the Observation of Surface Acoustic Waves
- Study on Measurement of Pile Driven into the Ground by Impulsive Driving Method : Industrial Apprications
- Carrier Lifetime Measurement of GaInAsP/InP Double-Heterostructure Lasers
- GaInAsP/InP Facet Lasers with Chemically-Etched End Mirrors
- Study on Detection of Buried Steel Bar in Concrete with Electromagnetic Impact Driving Method : Non-Destructive Testing
- Analysis of Diffracted Wave by a Thick Circular Plate : Ultrasonic Propagation and Field
- A 1.59 μm Wavelength GaInAsP/InP Distributed Feedback Laser with First-Order Grating on Anti-Meltback Layer
- Electron Microscopic Observation of Heterointerface in Ga_xInAs_yP_/InP Grown by Liquid
- An error Evaluation for Ray Tracing on a Grid : General Acoustics
- Generalized Ultrasonic Percussion : Imaging of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameters and Its Medical and Industrial Applications
- Elect-Equimultiple Imaging with Stacked Distributed-Index Planar Microlenses