Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics | 論文
- 3-6 最適超音波映像形成系(一般講演)
- 超音波ホログラフィの手法による振動子面上の振動振幅分布の測定
- 自動合焦振動子の指向特性の解析
- 光学処理 (画像処理技術特集) -- (基礎編)
- A Distributed-Index Planar Micro-Lens Made of Plastics
- 超音波による散乱体の変位変動の高精度推定法
- Estimation of Waves Diffracted by a Cylinder : Analysis by Diffraction Theory for Solid Obstacles : Ultrasonic Transduction
- An Airborne Ultrasound Echo Analysis of a Polyhedron : Ultrasonic Propagation and Field
- A Signal Processing for Realization of Ultrasonic Observation System of Sea Flow over a Long Distance : Ultrasonic Imaging
- 位相共役効果を用いた光計測・センシング
- 変形の確率的モデルによる金属中の応力状態の評価
- Evaluation of Ultrasonic Attenuastion of Scattering Medium with Its Tomogram : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- An In Vivo Technique for Estimation of Size and Relative Sound Velocity of Breast Tumor using Distorted Image in Ultrasonic Tomogram : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Strength Design of the Adhesive Shaft Joints Connected by a Coupling with Identical Shaft Diameters
- Strength Design of the Adhesive Joint Connecting a Carbon Steel Shaft to a GFRP Tube : 1st Report, A Case of Combined Tensile and Torsional Loads
- Effect of Coupling Shape on the Strength of Adhesive Bonded Joints of Tubular Metal Shafts : Solid-Mechanics, Strength of Materials
- 位相共役光とその計測への応用
- 適応的光学系 (光情報処理--画像と光コンピュ-タ)
- 光の制御 (光と計測制御)
- 最近の超音波映像系における信号処理 (超音波検査における信号処理特集)