Research Laboratory Wireless Division Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. | 論文
- Semiconducting Phenomenon in PbTiO_3-La_TiO_3 Ceramics
- A New Method for Growing ZnTe Crystals
- Electrical Resistivity of Ferromagnetic Chromium Dioxide
- Magnetic Property of Cr_2O_5
- The Crystalline Anisotropy Energy in CrO_2
- Magnetic Properties of Fe-Modified Mn_3B_4
- Ferro- and Antiferromagnetism in (Mn_Cr_x)_3B_4
- Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Fe_2B
- Ferrimagnetic Resonance in Mn_2Sb
- Electronmicroscopec Observation of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Crystals
- Growth Process of BaTiO_3 Butterfly Crystals
- Net-Pattern in Mixed Crystals of Barium-Strontium Titanate
- Growth of BaTiO_δ Crystals from TiO_2-Rich Melt
- Resistivity of Gd^ Doped BaTiO_3 Crystals Grown in Molten KF
- Raising-Crucible Method for Single Crystal Growing
- A New Growing Method for VO_2 Single Cryctals
- Excitation of Rotational Oscillation in a Crossod Field Discharge
- Magneto-Crystalline Anisotropy of Co_2B
- Galvanomagnetic Properties of Graphite at Low Temperatures
- Magnetic Properties of M_Li_xF_2O_F_x