Research Institute For Humanity And Nature | 論文
- A proposal of the method of deer density estimate without fecal decomposition rate : a case study of fecal accumulation rate technique in Japan
- Genesis and Mixing/Mingling of Mafic and Felsic Magmas of Back-Arc Granite : Miocene Tsushima Pluton, Southwest Japan
- Strobilomyces mirandus Corner, a new record from Japan
- Dietary adaptations of temperate primates: comparisons of Japanese and Barbary macaques.
- Efficiency and Technical Change in the Philippine Rice Sector During the Post-Green Revolution Era
- Prey use by web-building spiders : stable isotope analyses of trophic flow at a forest-stream ecotone
- Colored Moisture Analysis Estimates of Variations in 1998 Asian Monsoon Water Sources
- Growth of the sika deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae) population in the western lowland forests of Yakushima Island, Japan
- Effects of sika deer on tree seedlings in a warm temperate forest on Yakushima Island, Japan
- Pre-dispersal seed predation of bayberry Myrica rubra by Thiotricha pancratiastis (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae) on Yakushima Island, Japan
- Genetic structure of rehophytic and non-rheophytic populations of Farfugium japonicum on Iriomote Island, Ryukyu
- 狭葉化による生産構造の変化:渓流型リュウキュウツワブキと陸生型ツワブキにおける葉内構造と光合成特性の関連性
- Seasonal difference in the effects of fragmentation on seed dispersal by birds in Japanese temperate forests
- The Efficiency of WUA Management in the Lower Seyhan Irrigation Project
- P154 Observation of Indian summer monsoon-2010 using multi-satellite sensor approach
- A basic equation for population dynamics with destruction of breeding habitats and its application to outbreak of cyprinid herpesvirus 3
- Resource-dependent reproductive adjustment and the stability of consumer-resource dynamics
- Positive and negative effects of livestock grazing on plant diversity of Mongolian nomadic pasturelands along a slope with soil moisture gradient
- Dissolved organic carbon and nitrate concentrations in steams : a useful index indicating carbon and nitrogen availability in catchments
- Differences in nitrogen use efficiency between leaves from canopy and subcanopy trees