Research Center for Earthquake Prediction, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University | 論文
- A Hybrid Calculation Method of Tectonomagnetic Effect Using BEM and the Surface Integral Representation of the Piezomagnetic Potential -Two Dimensional Case Study-
- The Resistivity Structure around the Hypocentral Area of the Ebino Earthquake Swarm in Kyushu District, Japan
- Three-Dimensional Velocity Structure of the Upper Crust in the Hida Region, Central Honshu, Japan, and Its Relation to Local Seismicity, Quaternary Active Volcanoes and Faults
- Spatial distribution of static stress drops for aftershocks of the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture earthquake
- Imaging of S-wave reflectors in and around the hypocentral area of the 2004 mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake (M6.8)
- Three dimensional velocity structure around aftershock area of the 2004 mid Niigata prefecture earthquake (M6.8) by the Double-Difference tomography
- Magnetotelluric investigations for the seismically active area in Northern Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan
- On the role of oceans in the gcomagnetic induction by Sq along the 210 magnetic meridian region
- The electrical structure across the Median Tectonic Line in east Shikoku, southwest Japan
- Detailed Mapping of Focal Mechanisms in/around the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake Rupture Zone
- A comprehensive model of the deformation process in the Nagamachi-Rifu Fault Zone
- What controls the occurrence of shallow intraplate earthquakes?
- Origin of the concentrated deformation zone in the Japanese Islands and stress accumulation process of intraplate earthquakes
- Spatial analysis of the frequency-magnitude distribution and decay rate of aftershock activity of the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake
- Spatial distribution of atypical aftershocks of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake
- Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure as determined by double-difference tomography in and around the focal area of the 2005 West off Fukuoka Prefecture earthquake
- A Study of P-Wave Velocity Discontinuity in D" Layer with J-Array Records: Preliminary Results
- How did the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake start and grow? The role of a conditionally stable area
- Spatial distribution of atypical aftershocks of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake