Research Center For Development Of Far-infrared Region Fukui University | 論文
- 25aXG-10 Preliminary Design of a Submillimeter Wave Powerful Large Orbit Gyrotron Using a Compact Power Supply 100 keV
- 20aYA-4 Development of Tera Hertz Gyrotron Using Ultrastrong Pulse Magnet 1
- Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Phonon-Polaritons in Ferroelectric Lithium Niobate Crystals
- High T_c Superconductivity in Tm-Ba-Cu-O System
- Effect of Lanthanide Ion Substitutions for Lanthanum Sites on Superconductivity of (La_Sr_x)_2CuO_
- High T_c Superconductivity of (La_Sr_x)_2CuO_4 : (Effect of Substitution of Foreign Ions for Cu and La on Superconductivity
- 20aXK-4 Nonstationary Oscillations in the Second Harmonic Gyrotrons
- Optical Constants of Quench-Deposited TlCl
- Electrical Properties of Quench-Deposited Amorphous SnTe Films
- Amorphous to Crystalline Transformation of Cold Condensed TlBr Films
- Internal Reflection Method for Measuring Optical Constants of Deposited Films
- Core Absorption Spectra of Crystalline and Amorphous GeTe Thin Films
- Absorption Spectra of Amorphous and Crystalline SnTe Thin Films in the 2-120eV Region
- Amorphous-Crystalline Transformation of SuTe Thin Films
- Purification and Characterization of α-Keto Ester Reductases from Bakers' Yeast
- Differences in Protein Structure and Similarities in Catalytic Function of Two L-Stereoselective Carbonyl Reductases from Bakers' Yeast
- Photocrystallization of Cold Condensed Amorphous TlCl Films Detected by UV Absorption Measurements
- Annealing Behavior of Cold Condensed Amorphous TlCl Films Studied by UV Absorption Measurements
- Theoretical Investigation on Induced Magnetic Moment by Impurity Potential
- Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Resonant X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy in the Transverse Geometry : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.