Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med. Hiroshima Univ. | 論文
- The relationship between the minimally deleted region of the mouse chromosome 2 and the murine acutemyeloid leukemia development.
- Induction of dominant lethality and teratogenesis in F_1 mice following paternal ^Cf neutron-irradiation at pre-meiotic and post-meiotic stages of germ cells.
- Induction of dominant lethality and developmental anomalies in offspring of male mice inadiated to varying doses of ^Cf fission neutrons
- Involvement of AIM-1 in ionizing radiation-induced G2 checkpoint
- Molecular cloning of human MOB1, a factor involving in the mitotic spindle checkpoint pathway.
- AIM-1 induces chromosomal instability phenotype in p53-defective rodent cells
- Increased Frequencies of Gene and Chromosome Mutations after X-Irradiation in Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells Transfected with the bcl-2 Gene
- The Effect of Caffeine on p53-Dependent Radioresponses in Undifferentiated Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells after X-ray and UV-irradiations
- Radiosensitivity of undifferentiated mouse teratocarcinoma cells.
- The Examination of the Exclusion Mechanism of Apoptosis against the Cells with Unrepairable DNA Damage Using Undifferentiated Mouse Terarocarcinoma Cells
- Cloning of a mouse novel gene, MA141-36, and its human homologue overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinomas
- Multiplier effect of Hypergravity on Mutation Induction
- A biophysical estimate of radioactive iodine (^I) exposure in the whole body and in the thyroid of newborn, puberty and adult Fischer 344 rats.
- Mortality between 1972 and 1989 among the population that received the A-bomb health book before 1960
- Mortality analysis of leukelnia based on the exposure dose among A-bonb survivors registered by Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Biology at Hiroshiua University
- Survey of external dose around JCO facility using sugars and ESR method
- Over-expressed ZF5 Gene Product, a c-myc-binding Protein Related to GL1-Kruppel Protein, Has a Growth-suppressive Activity in Mouse Cell Lines
- Transgemeration Carcinogenesis in the Progeny of Irradiated Male Mice
- Inhibition of Growth and Metastasis of Ovarian Carcinoma by Administering a Drug Capable of Interfering with Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Activity
- 256 X-irradiation to Spermatozoa Executes Delayed Apoptosis, Genomic Instability and Altered Development at Peri-Implantation Stage Mouse Embryos(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)