RIKEN | 論文
- 30aXE-2 膨張した流体セレンの高分解能非弾性X線散乱実験II(30aXE 液体金属(カルコゲン系),領域6(金属,超低温,超伝導・密度波))
- 21pYK-2 膨張した流体セレンの高分解能非弾性X線散乱実験(液体金属(カルコゲン系),領域6(金属,超低温,超伝導・密度波))
- S=-1 Hypernuclear Structure(Chapter II.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- 404 脳動脈瘤手術時における数値血流解析
- 418 CAD ベースによる脳動脈血管のモデリングと数値血流解析
- 1333 弾性円柱における流体抵抗についての数値解析
- 1P-011 天然構造を特徴づける蛋白質内水素結合パラメータ(蛋白質・構造(1),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- A Sub 1-V L-Band Low Noise Amplifier SOI CMOS(Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques and Related Topics)
- Identification of New Isotopes ^Pd and ^Pd Produced by In-Flight Fission of 345 MeV/nucleon ^U : First Results from the RIKEN RI Beam Factory(Nuclear physics)
- Inelastic Scattering of ^12Be with ^4He
- Study of the ^7Be (p,γ)^8B Reaction with the Coulomb Dissociation Method
- Temperature-Dependent Behavior of Impurity Atoms Implanted in Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite : An Application of a New Online TDPAC Method
- Assignment of the Ground-State Spin-Parity for ^17C through g-Factor Measurement
- Coulomb Dissociation of Halo Nuclei
- Assignment of the Ground-State Spin-Parity for ^C through g-Factor Measurement
- Atomic Diffusion and Electronic Structures of Ce/Ni(110)and Ce/Cu(110)Systems
- Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope
- Isomer Decay of ^Ce Studied by Gas Filled Recoil Ion Separator
- Isolation and Characterization of an Alkaliphilic Bacterium Utilizing Pyrene as a Carbon Source(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- A Comparison of Biological Responses of Human Tumor Cells After Irradiation with Heavy Ions and Neutrons