RIKEN Nishina Center | 論文
- Nuclear Reactions with a Realistic Nuclear Interaction Using a Square Integrable Basis(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Ab Initio Calculations of Light-Ion Reactions(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Cb-TDHFB Calculation for the Low-Lying E1 Strength of Heavy Nuclei around the r-Process Path(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Rapid evaluation of effective linear energy transfer in heavy-ion mutagenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Spectroscopy of the Unbound States of the Drip-Line Nucleus ^O(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Systematic Study of ^Li with the Tensor and Pairing Correlations
- S=-2 Hypernuclear Structure
- S=-1 Hypernuclear Structure
- 12aSC-7 ElectroSpray ion source for mass calibration of MR-TOF mass spectrograph to be used in superheavy element mass measurement
- 28pHB-6 An improved system to control the stopping position of ^Rb in He II for the laser spectroscopy in OROCHI experiment
- 27aHA-6 虚数化学ポテンシャル領域におけるクォーク数感受率(27aHA クォーク物質・QCD相図,理論核物理領域)
- Strong binding and shrinkage of single and double K nuclear systems (K−pp, K−ppn, K−K−p and K−K−pp) predicted by Faddeev-Yakubovsky calculations
- 21aSJ-1 Development of polarized proton target for RI-beam experiments at low and intermediate energies
- Biological effects of heavy-ion beam irradiation on cyclamen
- 21aSA-14 Beta-decay of neutron-rich Z〜60 nuclei and the origin of the A〜160 r-process abundance peak
- 21aSA-11 Study of beta decay of neutron-rich I isotopes at RIKEN RIBF using a stack of Si-strip detectors WASA3Bi combined with a cluster-Ge array EURICA
- 20pSA-9 Single-neutron Knockout Reaction from ^Ne
- 21aSA-6 ベータガンマ核分光による中性子過剰な^Ni近傍核の構造研究(不安定核(III)(合同),実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同,実験核物理領域)
- New Experimental Studies of Nuclear Spin-Isospin Responses
- Spectroscopy of the Unbound States of the Drip-Line Nucleus ^O