RCNP, Osaka University | 論文
- 21aSA-7 The I^G J^=1^-1^ Tetraquark States
- 24pZH-7 The Masses of Bottom Baryons in the QCD Sum Rule
- 22pYE-6 The Masses of Bottom Baryons in the QCD Sum Rule
- 20pSC-2 Exotic Tetraquark ud^^^- of J^P=0^+ in the QCD Sum Rule
- 21pSA-7 Extended relativistic chiral mean field model for nuclear matter
- Role of the explicit tensor correlation in neutron halo nuclei(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- 25pZB-4 Parity non-conservation in nuclear excitation by circularly polarized photon beam(Hadron and nuclear physics with electromagnetic probe)
- 10p-YA-10 Pre-equilibrium and Equilirium (i,xn,yp,γ) Reaction Process by an Exciton Model and the K isomer ratio in ^Hf
- 10p-YA-9 Pre-equilibrium and Equilirium Deexcitation Processes II : The ^Ho(p,xn,yp,γ) Reaction Induced by 60 MeV Proton
- 10p-YA-7 Pre-equilibrium and Equilibrium Deexcitation Processes I : The Dy(α, xnγ) Er Reaction Induced by 90MeV alpha particlesα
- 5a-E-5 (p, n)準弾性散乱の偏極分解能測定
- 3a-E-2 大型2次元高効率中性子偏極度計の300MeVにおける較正
- Numerical Study of the Staggered Quark Action on Quenched Anisotropic Lattices (Particles and Fields)
- 2p-KD-7 Achromatic Geminate Nuclear Electro Separator (AGNES)
- 10p-YA-11 Gamma deexcitation mechanism of rare-earth compound nuclei produced in ^3He and α induced reactions
- H Dibaryon
- Separable representations of meson theoretical potentials and their application to the three nucleon system
- 26aGK-5 ^2H(p^^→,n)分解反応測定を用いた170MeVにおける三体力効果の考察(26aGK 宇宙核物理・軽イオン,実験核物理領域)
- Heavy Quark Effective Theory and the Isgur-Wise Function on the Lattice
- 4a-BF-4 ^C(p^^→, n^^→)^N Spin-Transfer Measuremnt at 0°