Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University | 論文
- 雄ゴールデンハムスターの成長過程における精巣機能とインヒビン分泌
- ヒト, チンパンジー, オランウータン, テナガザルにおける血液たんぱく質の変異
- Not only annual food abundance but also fallback food quality determines the Japanese macaque density : evidence from seasonal variations in home range size
- Cortical distribution of asymmetric responses to radial expansion/contraction in human adults and infants(Summary of Awarded Presentation at the 27th Annual Meeting)
- New species of large Tetraconodon (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the late Miocene of Myanmar
- Additional materials of Myanmarpithecus yarshensis (Amphipithecidae, Primates) from the middle Eocene Pondaung Formation
- A revision of Tetraconodon (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the Miocene of Myanmar and description of a new species
- Tetraconodontine suids from the lower part of Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar
- A new eosimiid from the latest middle Eocene in Pondaung, central Myanmar
- Geographical and body size distributions of the Pondaung primates with a comment on the taxonomic assignment of NMMP 20, postcranium of an amphipithecid
- Reevaluation of some ungulate mammals from the Eocene Pondaung Formation, Myanmar
- Endocranial cast and morphology of the olfactory bulb of Amphipithecus mogaungensis (latest middle Eocene of Myanmar)
- The Anthracotheriidae (Mammalia; Artiodactyla) from the Eocene Pondaung Formation (Myanmar) and comments on some other anthracotheres from the Eocene of Asia
- Upper premolar dentitions of Deperetella birmanica (Mammalia : Perissodactyla : Deperetellidae) from the Eocene Pondaung Formation, Myanmar
- How general cognitive ability relates with linguistic ability in language learning?(Symposium on Brain and Adaptive Socialization: Moleculer Mechanisms, Cognitive Processes and Language)
- How can cognitive and learning science contribute to implementing e-learning in Japanese schools? (特集 学校教育と認知科学)
- Working Memory and Sentence Comprehension in Children with Williams Syndrome
- 屋久島, 西部林道における野生ニホンザルの餌付き方の調査 : 1993年と1995年の比較
- 野生ニホンザルを取り巻く社会問題と餌付けに関する意識調査
- ニホンザルMacaca fuscataのミトコンドリアDNA多型分析〔英文〕