Prefectural University of Hiroshima | 論文
- 「保健・医療・福祉の連携と総合化を考える」(1)
- これでいいのか!!要介護認定の改訂版 (特集 要介護認定「問題」の再検討)
- II-K-21KM 要介護認定における状態像の例の要介護度の検証
- リハビリテ-ション介護のすすめ (特集:「老人リハビリテ-ションの独自性」)
- 在宅障害老人訪問事業の現状と課題--老人保健事業・老人訪問看護・ホ-ムヘルプ事業の連携について
- Imaging of Chromosomes at Nano-Meter Scale Resolution Using Scanning Near-Field Optical/Atomic Force Microscopy
- Simultaneous collection of topographic and fluorescent images of barley chromosomes by scanning near-field optical/atomic force microscopy
- Structure of rice starch granules in nanometre scale as revealed by atomic force microscopy
- 運動機能障害とその評価(広島保健福祉学会第 1 回学術大会)
- O-28. High resolution mapping of the multicolor FISH signals by scanning near-field optical/atomic force microscopy (SNOM/AFM)(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-27. The verification and the measure of chromosome morphological changes during FISH treatment : The effect of formaldehyde refixation(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations,Abstracts of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Resea
- Mechanical Elongation of the Centromere in the Barley Metaphase Chromosome
- O-14. High resolution detection of FISH signals by Scanning Near-field Optical/Atomic Force Microscopy (SNOM/AFM)(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)(The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Observations of barley chromosomes by scanning near-field optical/atomic force microscopy (日本電子顕微鏡学会第46回シンポジウム 材料のナノ・生物のナノ) -- (ポスターセッション "7th International Symposium on Advanced physical Fields(APF-7)"との合同セッション)
- 1P-163 FliKの機能と構造の関係について(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Application of Image Analysis with Neural Network for Plant Somatic Embryo Culture
- Observations of xenon gas-treated barley cells in solution by atomic force microscopy
- The "A" Entries in A Glossary of the Cursor Mundi (EETS Text, 11. 1-29547)(国際文化学科)
- 音節の長さとポーズが単語弁別に与える影響--英語母語話者と日本人英語学習者を比較して
- O-29. The importance of moderate decondensation of chromosome specimens(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Research)