Polar Research Institute of China | 論文
- Unmanned Magnetometer Network Observation in the 44th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition: Initial Results and an Event Study on Auroral Substorm Evolution
- Similarity and dissimilarity of conjugate relationships of Pi magnetic pulsations observed during excellent similar auroras
- Cusp-latitude conjugate ionospheric absorption associated with increase of solar wind dynamic pressure during strong northward IMF-a case study
- A new method for monitoring and removing SuperDARN radar DC offsets
- New sounding modes for SuperDARN HF radars
- Conjugate features of daytime absorption associated with specific changes in the solar wind observed by inter-hemispheric high-latitude imaging riometers
- Characteristics of solar flare effect in the high-latitude ionosphere as observed by the SuperDARN radars
- Simultaneous transients in the auroral zone and the equator as observed with SuperDARN and magnetometers: A correlation with equatorial counter electrojet (CEJ) event
- Interhemispheric conjugacy of auroral poleward expansion observed by conjugate imaging riometers at 67゜ and 75゜- 77゜ invariant latitude
- Postnoon aurora observed at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica - A case study -
- Foreword
- Foreword
- Dependence of VLF wave activity at Syowa Station on the day of the week
- Study on mesosphere summer echoes observed by digital ionosonde at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica
- MF radar observations of antarctic mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Diurnal phase and amplitude variations of 12.1 kHz Omega signal along the auroral zone
- Fast equatorward separatrix motion in the nightside ionosphere just prior to substorm onsets (extended abstract)
- Localized bursty plasma flow in the nightside ionosphere ─Implication for distant tail reconnection (extended abstract)
- Alkali-guided Synthesis of Polyaniline Hollow Microspheres
- Conjugate imaging riometer observation at polar cusp/cap stations: A daytime absorption event for a specific change of solar wind conditions (scientific paper)