Plasma Research Center, University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- 28pC10P ガンマ10プラグ部ECRH領域の広域化と円形化(加熱・炉設計・炉システム)
- Electron Temperature Measurement by Electron Cyclotron Emission from Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Numerical Simulation of Neutral Beam Injection in the GAMMA10 Anchor Cell
- Microwave Power Emission from a Beam-Plasma System
- Correlation between High-Power Broadband Microwave Radiation and Strong Langmuir Turbulence in an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam-Plasma System
- Spectroscopic Measurements of Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Driven Turbulence
- Spectroscopic System for Measurememts of Turbulent Electric Fields Originating from Intense Relativistic Electron Beam-Plasma Interactions
- Surface Temperature-Driven Sputtering Instability of Plasma Facing Material
- Numerical Study of the Location of the Microwave Imaging Reflectometer Object Plane
- Suppression of Alfven Ion Cyclotron Instability in a Mirror by End Plugging
- Macroscopic Stability Control Experiments with Phased Antennas in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Excitation of the Alfven Ion Cyclotron Mode Solely by the Ion Pressure Distribution
- Axial Structures of the Alfven Ion Cyclotron Mode in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
- Study of Potential Formation in an Open Magnetic Field Configuration
- Energy Analysis of ECRH-Induced End-Loss Warm Electrons in a Tandem Mirror
- Mode-Selective Directional Coupler for High Power Microwave Measurements
- Observation of Frequency Pulling Effect in Gyrotron
- A Pinhole Camera with Microehannel Plates for Hot Electron Spatial Distribution Measurement
- Study of the Sloshing Ion Formation in a Minimum B Mirror Field
- Surface Wave Analysis with Plasma Resonance