Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center, Tohoku University | 論文
- SPRITE-SAT: a Micro Satellite for Scientific Observation of Transient Luminous Events and Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Auroral O+ 732/733 nm emission and its relation to ion upflow
- A new meridian imaging spectrogarph for the auroral spectroscopy
- Duration of Jovian magnetospheric disturbances inferred from decametric radio storms
- Large enhancement of the outer belt electrons during magnetic storms
- Imaging observation of conjugate auroras from a lunar orbiter (extended abstract)
- All sky imager observation of aurora and airglow at South Pole: System design and the initial test results (extended abstract)
- Initial results of Husafell solar radio spectrograph
- The Upper Atmosphere and Plasma Imager/the Telescope of Visible Light (UPI/TVIS) onboard the Kaguya spacecraft
- Telescope of extreme ultraviolet (TEX) onboard SELENE : science from the Moon
- First optical observation of the Moon's sodium exosphere from the lunar orbiter SELENE (Kaguya)
- Main-phase creation of "seed" electrons in the outer radiation belt
- Jovian electron modulations by the solar wind interaction with the magnetosphere