Physics Section, Tsuru University | 論文
- Baryon-Baryon Interactions : Nijmegen Extended-Soft-Core Models(Chapter I.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- S=-2 Hypernuclear Structure(Chapter II.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- G-Matrix Approach to Hyperon-Nucleus Systems(Chapter I.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- S=-1 Hypernuclear Structure(Chapter II.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- (π^+, K^+) Reaction Spectroscopy of Heavy Hypernuclei(Chapter III.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- Occurrence of Hyperon Superfluidity in Neutron Star Cores
- Hyperon Mixing and EOS of Neutron Star Cores(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
- Superfluidity of Hyperon-Mixed Neutron Stars
- Hyperon-Mixed Neutron Star Matter and Neutron Stars(Nuclear Physics)
- Effective YN and YY Interactions and Hyperon-Mixing in Neutron Star Matter : Y≡Λ Case
- The Possibility of Hyperon Superfluids in Neutron Star Cores
- ΞΝ and ΞΞ OBEP and Ξ^--Nucleus Bound States
- Three- and Four-Body Cluster Models of Hypernuclei Using the G-Matrix ΛN Interaction : ^9_ΛBe, ^_ΛC, ^6_He and ^_Be : Nuclear Physics
- Hyperon-Nucleon and Hyperon-Hyperon Interactions in Nuclei
- Formation and Transition of Strangeness=-2 Nuclear Systems
- Formation of a Ξ-Hypernucleus and Transitions to Double-Λ States : Nuclear Physics
- Conversion Widths of Light Ξ Hypernuclear States to Double-Λ Hypernuclear States〔邦文〕
- Ξ^- Emission Probabilities at (K^-, K^+) Reaction Points and the ΞN Interaction
- Four-body calclation of 4ΛH and 4ΛHe with realistic YN and NN interactions (ハイペロンの混合とストレンジネス多体系)
- Baryon-Baryon Interactions and Hypernuclei(Chapter I.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)