Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University | 論文
- 27aSA-7 全光吸収断面積の測定法の開発
- Anomalous Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Heavy-Fermion PrFe_4P_
- ^As-NQR Studies of Superconducting Filled Skutterudites PrRu_4As_ and LaRu_4As_(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Superconducting Properties of Pr-Based Filled Skutterudite PrRu_4As_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- EPR,^F-ENDOR and^Mn-ENDOR of Mn^ Impurity Center in MgF_2 Single Crystal
- Study of Giant Resonances in the ^Mg (e, e'α) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 28pZB-10 アイソスカラー共鳴領域における^Mg(e,e'α)反応の研究(イオン源・加速器等)(実験核物理)
- Study on ^Mg (e, e' α) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Isovector E2/E0 strength in ^Si studied by the (e, e'n) reaction II(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Field-Induced Metallic State in YbB_ under High Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Properties of the Heavy-Electron Compound YbP
- Higher Harmonic Electron Spin Resonance of Eu^ in SmB_6
- Magnetic field and pressure phase diagrams of uranium heavy-fermion compound U2Zn17
- Continuous Evolution of Fermi Surface Properties above Metamagnetic Transitions in Ce_xLa_Ru_2Si_2(Condensed matter : electronics structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- de Haas-van Alphen Effect of CeSb Under Pressure
- Superconductivity in (DMET)_2AuCl_2 and (DMET)_2AuI_2
- On Ambient-Pressure Superconductivity in Organic Conductors: Electrical Properties of (DMET)_2I_3,(DMET)_2I_2Br and (DMET)_2IBr_2
- Superconductivity and the Possibility of Semiconductor-Metal Transition in (DMET)_2AuBr_2
- Electronic Structure and Electron Correlation in LaFeAsO_F_x and LaFePO_F_x(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Crystal Field Effect on Superconducting Transition in Pr_xOs_4Sb_