Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University of Tokyo | 論文
- Emde分解反応の修正
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第85報)フモトシダの成分変異について その2
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LXXXIV.A Novel 2-Tetralol-Type Xyloside from Asplenium wilfordii
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミ-(第83報)フモトシダの成分変異について その1
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LXXXI. Characteristic Lignans of Blechnaceous Ferns
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LXXX. : Proanthocyanidins of Arachniodes sporadosora NAKAIKE and A. exilis CHING
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第76報) : ハリガネワラビの新規フラバノン誘導体について
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LXXIII. New Flavonoids with Modified B-Ring from the Genus Pseudophegopteris(Thelypteridaceae)(Organic,Chemical)
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Filices. LXXI. Chemical Studies on the Constituents of Cheiropleuria bicuspis (BL.) PR.(Organic,Chemical)
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー (第66報) : イブキシダ, オオイブキシダの成分の化学的研究(有機化学)
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー (第65報) : 新フラボノイド配糖体について その2(有機化学)
- Chemische und chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen von Filices. XXXV. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Polystichum tripteron (KUNZE) P_R.
- Application of the Remote Photocyclization with a Pair System of Phthalimide and Methylthio Groups. A Photochemical Synthesis of Crown Ether Analogs
- Skyrinの赤外線吸収スペクトルについて
- Anodic Oxidation of Organophosphorus Compounds. III. Anodic Alkoxylation and Thioalkoxylation of Triphenylphosphine
- Phosphorylation of Alcohols via Anodic P-Halogenation of Dialkyl Hydrogen Phosphites
- A Novel Synthesis of β-Ketothioesters
- A Novel Synthetic Method for Tetronic Acids from 1,3-Dioxin-4-ones via Intra- or Intermolecular Ketene Trapping
- Synthesis of 1,3-Dioxin-4-ones and Their Use in Synthesis. XVIII. : Synthesis of Azetidin-2-ones from 1,3-Dioxin-4-ones via 3-Hydroxycarboxamides
- Studies on Amino Acid Derivatives. IX. : Synthesis of Chiral Penam-3-carboxylic Acid and Its Substituted Derivatives