Pathology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute East | 論文
- I-23 肺腺癌におけるc-erbB-2発現の臨床病理学的検討
- I-22 肺腺癌におけるgelatinase活性の程度と局在の検討
- D-27 多発AAHを伴った肺癌切除例の術後経過
- W12-3 肺野末梢小型肺癌に対する縮小手術プロトコール研究 : 中間報告 (肺癌の低侵襲手術)
- W1-1 肺の神経内分泌腫瘍における神経分化決定遺伝子hash1の発現 (分子生物学と予後)
- 23.多発AAHを合併した多発肺腺癌切除例の長期経過(第131回日本肺癌学会関東支部会)
- Ganglion cells in Ewing's sarcoma following chemotherapy : A case report
- Clinicopathological Characteristics of Primary Breast Cancer in Older Geriatric Women: A Study of 39 Japanese Patients over 80 Years Old
- Histological Factors Associated with Initial Bone Metastasis of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast
- Fibrotic Focus in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast: A Histopathological Prognostic Parameter for Tumor Recurrence and Tumor Death within Three Years after the Initial Operation
- Fibrotic Focus in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: An Indicator of High Tumor Aggressiveness
- Efficacy of MR Mammography (MRM) in Providing Preoperative Locoregional Information on Breast Cancer : Correlation between MRM and Histological Findings
- Long-Term Survival Achieved by Repeated Resections of Metachronous Pulmonary and Adrenal Metastases of α-Fetoprotein-Producing Gastric Cancer : Report of a Case
- Onset Symptoms and Tumor Locations as Prognostic Factors of Pancreatic Cancer
- Advanced Pancreatic Ductal Cancer : Fibrotic Focus and β-Catenin Expression Correlate With Outcome
- The Intraductal Carcinoma Component Is a Significant Prognostic Parameter in Patients with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Pancreas
- Extended right hepatic lobectomy with resection of inferior vena cava and portal vein for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
- Distal pancreatectomy with resection of the celiac axis and reconstruction of the hepatic artery for carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas
- A new histological classification for intra-operative histological examination of the ductal resection margin in cholangiocarcinoma
- Autophagy is activated in pancreatic cancer cells and correlates with poor patient outcome