Okayama Univ. School Of Medicine Okayama Jpn | 論文
- Biliary Tract of the Rat as Observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy of Cast Samples
- The Intensely Positively Charged Perineuronal Net in the Adult Rat Brain, with Special Reference to Its Reactions to Oxine, Chondroitinase ABC, Hyaluronidase and Collagenase
- Numerical simulation on hydrogen fuel jetting from high pressure tank
- Experimental and numerical studies on detonation wave propagating in a rectangular tube with obstacles (ガス爆発特集号(2))
- Dark and Light Neurons in the Human Brain, with Special Reference to Their Reactions to Golgi's Silver Nitrate, Luxol Fast Blue MBS and Azocarmine G
- Neurons with Perineuronal Sulfated Proteoglycans in the Human Visual Cortex, with Special Reference to Their Reactions to Lectins
- Mechanism of Membrane Fusion Mediated with Viral Proteins