Okayama Astrophysical Observatory National Astronomical Observatory | 論文
- Chemical Composition of Carbon-Rich, Very Metal-Poor Subgiant LP 625-44 Observed with the Subaru/HDS
- Detection of Zinc in the Very Metal-Poor Post-AGB Star HR 4049
- Observational Results of Stellar Speckle Interferometric Spectroscopy
- An Abundance Study in the Hg-Mn Star 46 Aquilae (HD 186122) with the SUBARU/HDS^1
- Near-Infrared Unidentified-Line Morphology of the Planetary Nebula NGC 7027
- Spiral Stucture in WZ Sagittae around the 2001 Outburst Maximum
- OPtical and CO Radio Observations of Poor Cluster Zwicky 1615.8+3505
- Possible Young Stellar Objects without Detectable CO Emission
- Oxygen and Neon Abundances of B-Type Stars in Comparison with the Sun
- Shock Waves and Line-Profile Variation in roAp Stars
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. IX. Deep Near-Infrared Imaging Data and Source Catalog
- An Abundance Analysis of the Primary Star of the Peculiar Eclipsing Binary ε Aurigae out of the Eclipsing Phase
- Drastic Spectroscopic Variability of the Be/X-Ray Binary Ariel 0535+262/V725 Tau during and after the 2009 Giant Outburst
- Physical Relation of Source I to IRc2 in the Orion KL Region
- Asteroid Catalog Using AKARI : AKARI/IRC Mid-Infrared Asteroid Survey
- Digital Spectro-Correlator System for the Atacama Compact Array of the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array
- A Planetary Companion to the Intermediate-Mass Giant HD 100655
- Discovery of Superhumps during a Normal Outburst of SU Ursae Majoris
- Earliest Detection of the Optical Afterglow of GRB 030329 and Its Variability(Poster)
- Asymmetric Dust Jets and Extended Structure of 22P/Kopff Observed During 2009 Appearance