Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Obihiro Jpn | 論文
- ガンジスカワイルカ(Platanista gangetica)の気管と気管支に関するMRIを用いた解剖学的検討
- 器官培養したラット胎子精巣セルトリ細胞の中間径フィラメントおよび細胞分裂に対するFSHの影響
- ジャワマメジカ頭蓋の地理的変異(解剖学)
- ジャワマメジカ頭蓋の地理的変異
- ハダカデバネズミとジャワマメジカの脆弱な腹壁に関する三次元画像解析
- ジャワマメジカとオオマメジカの咀嚼筋に関する機能形態学的横前
- Characterization of Sterol Lipids in Kluyveromyces lactis Strain M-16 Accumulating a High Amount of Steryl Glucoside
- Morphological and genetic analysis of Vietnamese Sus scrofa bones for evidence of pig domestication
- イヌ属3種の頭蓋と毛皮におけるサイズの関係
- 食虫類3種における肩部筋肉の掘削適応(解剖学)
- Preparation and Preservation of Freeze-dried Cells of Acetic Acid Bacteria with Aldehyde Oxidase Activity
- Reduction of Stale Aldehyde of Beer with Membrane Fraction of Acetic Acid Bacteria
- Reducing the Stale FIavor of Cooked Rice by Treating with Cells of Acetic Acid Bacteria
- Prevention by Acetic Acid Bacteria of Coloration by Amino-carbonyl Reaction during Food Storage
- Distribution of Arteriolovenous Vessels, Capillaries and eNOS Expression in the Bovine Corpus Luteum During the Estrous Cycle : a Possible Implication of Different Sensitivity by Luteal Phase to PGF_ in the Increase of Luteal Blood Flow
- A note on karyotypes of Sorex caecutiens (Mammalia, Insectivora) from Cheju Island, Korea
- Effects of Muscarinic and Adrenergic Blockade on Growth Hormone Secretion Induced by Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2 (GHRP-2) in Ovariectomized Ewes
- Effect of Mesenteric Venous Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) Infusion on GH Secretion in Sheep
- Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay for Bovine Growth Hormone
- Characteristics of Growth Hormone Secretion Responsiveness to Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide-2 (GHRP-2 or KP102) in Calves