Oak Ridge National Lab. Tn Usa | 論文
- Trends in Microstructure Modeling in Weld Metals
- First Results with the NSTX Fast Divertor Camera
- 黒潮における酸素, 栄養塩および炭酸塩のフラックス
- Effects of Inclusions on Fracture Toughness of Reduced-Activation Ferritic/Martensitic F82H-IEA Steels
- On the origin of transverse incoherence in Z-contrast STEM
- Investigation of Boron Distribution in Martensitic 9% Cr Creep Resistant Steel
- Investigation of Boron Distribution in Martensitic 9% Cr Creep Resistant Steel
- High Resolution Z-Contrast Observation of GaAs/Si Hetero-Interfaces through Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
- Sub-A STEM による局所構造解析
- High Angle Dark Field STEM for Advanced Materials
- Depth sectioning of aligned crystals with the aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope
- Both total chain length and position of dimethyl-branching effect the myocardial uptake and retention of radioiodinated analogues of 15-(p-iodophenyl)-3,3-dimethylpentadecanoic acid (DMIPP)